Stock photography is defined as a batch of existing digital photos which can be licensed for use. There are so many businesses that use stock photography sites to find photos they use for their publicity campains including Publishers, magazines, advertising agencies, filmmakers, web designers, and graphic artists. Instead of paying huge fees to a professional photographer they just purchase online stock photography.
Every photo that you take will become part of your "stock", just like any other resource and as the copyright holder you can license the images as many times as you like. You are able to sell your photos over the internet through either stock agencies or microstock sites. You could even set up your own personal digital photo website and market them from there or you can approach publishers and other potential clients directly.
Microstock is just a sub product of stock photography and the main differences would be that a microstock photography agency normally sources images with exclusive rights. They also work with a larger amount of digital photographers than a stock photography agency does, and concentrate on selling millions of images at rather low prices on average about a dollar.
If you want to find out more about earning money online with your digital photography, then you just need a computer, a digital camera and ofcourse, an internet connection. You will find out alot more about this home business opportunity on the blog quoted below and here you will find the 12 best tips on how to make money with a digtal cam.
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